Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Thoughtful Thanksgiving: A Tribute to the True Meaning of the Holiday

Not only does Thanksgiving mark the kick-off to the holiday season (though many retailers have been advertising for what seems like months now), but it is a unique holiday in that it is not about giving gifts but about giving thanks. Its sole purpose is to bring family and friends together to reflect on what we are thankful for in life as we enjoy the abundance of feast and the harvest of our blessings. This Thanksgiving, I encourage you to take a step back from your hectic life (and the stresses of holiday planning) and focus on the “thanks” portion of Thanksgiving. Put your pen to paper and make a list of the things you are thankful for this year. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

~Look around you. As you begin your list, start with the most obvious things from your day to day life. (This should be the easiest of the challenges). A few items on my list would be: my loving family, my generous friends and good health. Our lives are so hectic and stressful that many times we take our loved ones for granted; thus, clouding our vision of how truly blessed we are to have these folks in our lives.  Having lost my dad when I was 12 years’ old, I learned early on to truly appreciate my family and those closest to me, and to let them know daily how special they are to me. It may sound cliché, but today is a good day to let those close to you know how much you love and appreciate them.  Life is too short; live with no regrets.  

~Think big picture.  For the next part of your list, consider the bird’s eye view of your life and incorporate the big picture items for which you are thankful. A few things that come to mind for me are living in the United States, not facing persecution for religious expression, and the overall freedoms we enjoy in America. Even though we are constantly exposed to the hardships and tragedy our world is facing through the nightly news, I must admit that it’s easier not to think about how close to home some of these issues are. We are blessed to call the U.S. home and to have the freedom to live out our dreams if we so choose.  We are a blessed nation.

~Live a life of gratitude every day. Thanksgiving should not be the one day of the year you consider the blessings in your life. I challenge you to make gratitude lists not just on or around Thanksgiving, but year round. I know it is easier said than done, but making a weekly list of the things you are thankful for can really have an impact on your life. These lists don’t need to be lengthy or even complete sentences. Just jotting down some of the things you are thankful for each week will immediately impact your attitude and outlook, which in turn can cause a positive chain reaction in your life. On “off” days when things just don’t seem to be going your way, your lists will equip you with an arsenal that you can use to keep things in perspective and put a smile on your face.

As I get wiser in my years, I’m reminded that it’s important to be thankful for everything that has happened in our lives because we wouldn’t be where we are today without the course that history has taken. I think there’s an old Garth Brooks song along those lines… “Unanswered Prayers.”  This Thanksgiving, let’s collectively look past the turkey and football games, and use the spirit of the holiday to reflect on and recognize the things in life that make us blessed. In doing so, I assure you that your Thanksgiving meal will be a lot more meaningful – and maybe even tastier – than it has ever been in the past.

~ Have a blessed Thanksgiving surrounded by the ones you love. ~

            For additional Thanksgiving inspiration and recipes for some of my favorite dishes, check out my special holiday board on Pinterest. 
Photo Courtesy of OpenClips.


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