Monday, May 2, 2011

Making Etiquette Easy: Nosy Question Askers

Image from Associated Content

With so much personal sharing these days via Facebook and other social media sites, it can be hard to draw the line between what we are and aren't willing to share with others. And it's especially troubling when our friends, relatives or even acquaintances begin prying into our business, presuming we're ready to share our life story. So the next time someone presses your "are you kidding me?" button, remember these tips to get the conversation back to more neutral ground:

  • Be Vague: If it's about the price of your new car, you can avoid the true answer by saying something like, "probably too much" or "I know, isn't it awesome?" Giving answers like this cue the nosey Nelly that you're not willing to put dollar signs on the table. If it's about something personal (i.e. the status of your relationship), you can say "things are going well" or "who knows what the future holds."

  • Flip It: If the person is still digging, flip the question on them or ask them a completely different question. Would they like to go for a ride in your car? How is their relationship situation progressing? A lot of times, people are inquisitive because they'd also like to share their stories. Allowing them this pleasure can cut you some slack and get the attention off of you.

  • Be Honest: Sometime people will stop at nothing for answers. If the topic is a sensitive one for you and you don't feel like opening up, let them know you've got a policy against sharing such private information. You can even let them know you've talked about it with your spouse/therapist/etc. and that you don't mean to offend them, but this is your personal space and you'd like to keep it that way.
Making Etiquette Easy,
Susan K. Medina

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