Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Making Etiquette Easy: Email with Ease

We've all been up to our ears in emails before with a daunting number of unread emails growing exponentially each day. The once recognizable and catchy AOL notification, “You’ve Got Mail,” is now a sound of stress and dread. With fast-paced work environments, multiple meetings and many of us adding travel to the mix, it is not uncommon for more than a thousand unread emails to stack up in record time. This can quickly lead to stress if you do not find ways to tackle your email bounty. Try considering the following tips to de-clutter your inbox and email with less stress and more ease.
-The appropriate turnaround window for an email is usually 24-36 hours after you having received it. Even if you don't anticipate being able to fully answer an email or question in that set amount of time, consider shooting a quick email back to the sender letting them know you received the email and will have an answer for them soon. Then set a personal deadline to respond. Hint: always do a quick “drive by” of emails in the bottom of your inbox so you don’t miss something…
-Remove yourself from website mailing lists you rarely follow. Today, it is common for websites to require an email address before perusing their site, even if you’re a onetime user. Thus, you are instantly enrolled in their newsletter which is sure to fill your inbox with several emails a day with mostly useless information. Go through you inbox and unsubscribe to all newsletters you feel you can live without. However, after doing this if you still find yourself overwhelmed with mailing list emails, try creating a separate email account devoted to these types of inquiries. This way, you are able to read through them at your leisure without getting in the way of more important emails that require a timely response. 
-Organize your inbox. Every email program gives you the capability to sort emails into folders. Utilize the folder system to create an organizational structure to house your emails. An example of this would be, creating folders ranging in priority/importance, so when it is time for you to answer some of these emails you’ll know what emails need to be taken care of immediately versus the emails that can wait to be addressed later. Consider sorting your emails during the initial pass, so the email will be waiting for you in its respective folder without you giving it a second thought. For critical emails, there is also a flagging function in most email providers that you can use to highlight your most time sensitive emails.
 If all else fails, try delegating some of your emails to your employees, as appropriate. This should take some of the pressure off as you manage your inbox. 

   Photo Courtesy of: Geralt

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tribute to the Fourth of July

         When I think of the Fourth of July, so many sights, sounds and scents come to mind. I instantly smell the heavenly aroma of backyard barbeques shared with family and friends; I recall big, bright, beautiful fireworks lighting up the night sky, and can’t help but hear “America the Beautiful” sung by the legendary Ray Charles play in my head. I could go on and on, but I’m sure you get the picture. While these are all wonderful elements that make this holiday special, I think it is important that we take time to consider why we celebrate the Fourth of July, and reflect on what makes the United States of America such an amazing country. I have compiled a short list of a few things that make me proud to be an American.

        We are a country based on the principles of freedom. 238 years ago, July 4th, 1776 to be exact, the Continental Congress representing the thirteen colonies, finalized and adopted the Declaration of Independence, which was drafted by Thomas Jefferson. This is a powerful document that has guided our country since its founding. The following line particularly stands out to me and in my opinion serves as the backbone of this country: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” (US 1776) As you can see from this line alone, our country’s foundation was built on the principles of freedom and liberty, by which we are so incredibly blessed and should hold dear.
         Our country is known as the land of opportunity. From the beginning, the United States has been known as the land of possibilities. People have chosen and continue to choose to come to this country because of the promise of the “American Dream.” Our freedoms make this idea a reality because, here in the U.S., we are given the ability to start from nothing and become something great. Blessed with an abundance of natural resources and the freedom for individuals to take advantage of them, people have been able to build their lives through innovation; thus, propelling our country to be the world leader it is today.
        We couldn’t be the home of the free without the help of the brave. Today, we have hundreds of thousands of service men and women who everyday risk their lives to protect us, our basic freedoms, and our democracy. Our history is rich with military endeavors that have served to do just that. There is no better time than Independence Day to thank our veterans and current service members for their sacrifice and bravery. Without them, we could not be the global power we are today.

         Now that you’ve read my list, I challenge you to create one for yourself; share it with others and encourage them to do the same. Holidays are a great time for celebration, but they also are a wonderful time for reflection. If you would like a little more Independence Day inspiration, take a look at our Pinterest Page.

Happy Fourth of July and May God Continue to Bless America!
Photo Courtesy of: Mar Lidia