Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Making Etiquette Easy: Email and Text Misfires... Tackling the Unintended Consequences

                Have you ever sent or received an email that was intended for someone else?  In our fast-paced professional and social environments, technology has provided us with several tools that encourage rapid communication.  On second glance, perhaps we rely too heavily on auto-fill or are too quick to send a text without verifying that it is being sent to the intended.  Take a minute, okay a few seconds, to consider next steps should you find yourself in this scenario.

                -Sending emails or texts to the wrong person. There’s nothing worse than that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you hit send and the recipient was not who you intended it to be.  As soon as you realize you have made the error, take responsibility immediately by following up with a phone call or direct email to the unintended recipient.  Apologize for the error and ask that they kindly ignore your email or text.  In a work setting, depending on the sensitivity of the email or text content, you may also need to loop in your boss and/or the legal team, so corrective action can be taken. Just remember to accept the possible consequences, address them as best you can, and move forward having learned from the experience.

                -Receiving emails or texts intended for someone else. Those who send emails or texts to unintended recipients may not immediately realize their error. No action is necessary from you should you find yourself on the receiving end of a misfire, but as a courtesy, it doesn’t hurt to send a polite email letting the sender know that you have received their email and believe it was intended for someone else. This way, they are alerted of their mistake and can get the email or text to the appropriate person.  I received a “rogue” email recently, and to avoid further embarrassment for the sender (it was a group email), I called and left a gracious message to make him aware of the mistake.  

                -Make it a habit to always double check. Always make it a habit to review emails every time prior to hitting send, whether you are distributing a corporate-wide confidential memo or confirming your weekend plans with a close friend.  Taking a few extra minutes to double check the “to” line can prevent these particular mishaps and is the only way to save you from heart burn every time.

                It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, and rush through simple tasks such as emailing.  Most of the time communication misfires will cause nothing more than minor embarrassment; however, they can have the potential to cause serious damage or consequences, especially in work scenarios.  Think of it as having an internal pause button… push it before hitting send.

 Photo Courtesy of nvtrlab

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