Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Making Etiquette Easy: Foreign Language in the Office

Image from www.yourtravelclub.org

Thankfully, we live in a country that is welcoming to many different cultures. In America, we pride ourselves on being the proverbial "melting pot." But the language barriers still remain and with those barriers come a few new social nuances. So just what is the best way to handle an office setting with multi-lingual employees?
  • Establish a uniform language in the office. This language should be used in dealing with clients and other employees (unless the bilingual person was specifically brought on to speak their native language).
  • Fluent multi-lingual employees should refrain from speaking in their native language (if different from the uniform language) while in the work environment except for professional purposes, i.e. you are on the telephone with someone who does not speak the "uniform" office language.
  • Two people should never share a conversation in a foreign language in front of other employees (or anyone for that matter) who do not speak that language. This causes others to be suspicious and uncomfortable that what is being said is specifically not intended for them to hear. Also, you never know who may speak the language fluently and can understand conversations meant to be concealed.
  • Be sympathetic if you are on the "outside" of a conversation. If you do find yourself in the middle of a foreign conversation, try to be understanding. There's a good chance they mean no harm and are simply enjoying practicing their native language.

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