Thursday, March 4, 2010

Making Etiquette Easy: Listening-In

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You’re sitting at your desk and you hear something that instantly makes your ears perk up. Maybe it’s a coworker discussing the same problem you’re having with your boss, or perhaps it’s a client sharing some pretty wild gossip about their company or CEO. As humans, we will always be curious and instinctively invasive when we hear something we want to know more about. When this happens though, try to remember some key tips to keep you out of the fire instead of naturally throwing yourself right into it:

As a general rule, practice selective hearing. You only have to ‘hear’ what you really want to hear. Trust me, most wives know this to be a well-trained characteristic in their husbands. If you hear something you know isn’t a conversation for you to partake in, tune out or play some music for distraction.

The worst thing to do when you overhear something is to discuss what you overheard with other coworkers. Gossip can be a career killer. You are simply fanning the fire by spreading news that isn’t your own to share. Bite your tongue and respect the person you overheard in the same way you’d like them to do if it had been you sharing vulnerable information not intended for other ears.

Avoid the urge to bandage a situation with your input. Not only is it startling to have a coworker butt in on a conversation you weren’t aware was public, but it can also damage their situation as opposed to helping it. Remember, help is always most appreciated when it’s asked for. If you feel that it is necessary to be of help, don’t start the conversation by saying that you overheard something. Instead, let them know that you can tell they are distressed and you wonder if there is any way you can help. This will open the door for them to confide in you - if they so choose - not to be suspicious of you. Information is power and you must always be careful how you use it.

Making Etiquette Easy,

Susan K. Medina

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